My prescience concerning oil and gas as an energy source

Daniel Adebesin
2 min readApr 4, 2021

I guess at this point, most people know the pros and cons concerning crude oil as a source of energy. To elaborate on the disadvantages: greenhouse gases, environmental pollution, disruption of the ecosystem, wildlife being affected negatively, and the list goes on aboveboard. Why for a fact do we still explore and produce crude oil? Reasonably, it seems wrong. To state the main advantage of oil and gas, we need energy to survive right now.

We live on planet earth, it is therefore logical to take care of it. And although other alternative energies have been provided over the years, none can really keep up with today’s energy demand (it’s funny how we all want to stop polluting the earth but we can’t stop as we wish because of our dependence on oil and gas as an energy source).

Fact: A country just suspended all new oil and gas leasing and drilling work for 60 days and stopped a major pipeline project. Kudos to such a tremendous action, I just hope they have thought of other methods to leverage the energy demand right now.

In my opinion, my prediction is that although a plummet occurred in oil prices especially in the year 2020 due to the price war, and low economic activity in the oil and gas industries all caused by the unexpected pandemic. It is obvious that the oil demand will return soon especially in the year 2022 and upwards. As the pandemic eases, the demand increases i.e. direct proportionality. The world still needs energy from crude oil. Besides, it will take a lot of people and time before other energy sources like electricity and hydrogen can significantly reduce the intensity of global crude consumption.

Presently, oil and gas is still the hegemony of today’s energy sector and most people still need it for day-to-day activities.

Personally, what we can do right now is simply to invest in an innovative research in oil and gas recovery process design that can lead to low disruption of the environment, zero emission of greenhouse gases, and effectively save capital and operating cost.

Photo credit: The last of us 2
In retrospect, concerning oil and gas, why is there no open source software that can simulate an actual oil recovery process? This could help predict the reservoir performance, making it more tractable and allows individuals to create innovative ideas easier, faster and cheaper.

